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Using Flux on AWS With CodeCommit

How to bootstrap Flux on AWS EKS with CodeCommit Git repositories.

EKS Cluster Options

VPC CodeCommit Access

If your VPC is setup without internet access or you would prefer that the access was over a private connection, you will need to set up a VPC endpoint to have access to CodeCommit. You can do this by following the guide Using AWS CodeCommit with interface VPC endpoints.

Cluster Creation

The following creates an EKS cluster with some minimal configuration that will work well with Flux:

eksctl create cluster

For more details on how to create an EKS cluster with eksctl please see

Flux Installation for AWS CodeCommit

You can install Flux using a AWS CodeCommit repository using the flux bootstrap git command. Ensure you can login to for your proper organization, and create a new repository to hold your Flux install and other Kubernetes resources.

To bootstrap using HTTPS, run the following command:

flux bootstrap git \
  --url=https://git-codecommit.<region><repository> \
  --branch=main \
  --username=<my-username> \
  --password=<my-password> \

To bootstrap using SSH, you first need to generate a SSH keypair to be used as a deploy key. AWS CodeCommit does not support repository or org-specific SSH/deploy keys. You may add the deploy key to a user’s personal SSH keys, but take note that revoking the user’s access to the repository will also revoke Flux’s access. The better alternative is to create a machine-user whose sole purpose is to store credentials for automation. Using a machine-user also has the benefit of being able to be read-only or restricted to specific repositories if this is needed.

aws iam upload-ssh-public-key --user-name codecommit-user --ssh-public-key-body file://

The output shall contain a field SSHPublicKeyID, which acts as the SSH username.

    "SSHPublicKey": {
        "UserName": "codecommit-user",
        "SSHPublicKeyId": "<SSH-Key-ID>",
        "Fingerprint": "<fingerprint>",
        "SSHPublicKeyBody": "<public-key>",
        "Status": "Active",
        "UploadDate": "2022-11-14T15:15:12+00:00"

Now we can run the bootstrap command:

flux bootstrap git \

Secrets Management with SOPS and AWS KMS

You will need to use AWS KMS and enable the IAM OIDC provider on the cluster.

Patch kustomize-controller with the proper IAM credentials, so that it may access your AWS KMS, and then begin committing SOPS encrypted files to the Git repository with the proper AWS KMS configuration.

See the Mozilla SOPS AWS Guide for further detail.

Image Updates with Elastic Container Registry

You will need to create an ECR registry and setup an IAM Role with the required permissions.

Follow the Image Update Automation Guide and see the ECR specific section for more details.

Your EKS cluster’s configuration can also be updated to allow the kubelets to pull images from ECR without ImagePullSecrets as an optional, complimentary step.