You are viewing documentation for Flux version: 2.0

Version 2.0 of the documentation is no longer actively maintained. The site that you are currently viewing is an archived snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Posts in 2022

  • Verify the integrity of the Helm Charts stored in OCI-compliant registries as OCI artifacts

    2022-11-14 in Blog

    Featured Image for Verify the integrity of the Helm Charts stored in OCI-compliant registries as OCI artifacts

    tl;dr: We'll talk about one of the newest support in Flux v0.36 that enables you to prove the authenticity of the Helm charts we manage through the HelmChart resources with the help of the cosign integration.

    Cosign integration was one of the most important features we shipped in the Flux v0.35 release. After that, we wrote a blog post which explains how to use the feature with OCIRepository resources which enables fetching OCI artifacts from container registries. If you haven’t read it yet, we highly encourage you to go and check it out first. Flux v0.36.0 allows you to prove the authenticity of …

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  • October 2022 Update

    2022-11-01 in Blog

    tl;dr: Flux 0.36 with more OCI features: support for verifying Helm charts with Cosign. Lots of good security news. Flux Legacy reaches End Of Life. Many Ecosystem updates and new members. Events, docs and more!

    As the Flux family of projects and its communities are growing, we strive to inform you each month about what has already landed, new possibilities which are available for integration, and where you can get involved. Read our last update here. It’s the beginning of November 2022 - let’s recap together what happened in October - it has been a lot! News in the Flux family Flux v0.36 adds …

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  • CNCF Talk: Increased security and scalability with OCI

    2022-10-26 in Blog

    Featured Image for CNCF Talk: Increased security and scalability with OCI

    tl;dr: Watch Flux Core Maintainer Max Jonas Werner's talk about OCI support in Flux. Intro to GitOps, Flux and OCI and a great demo of what's all possible.

    Integrating OCI into Flux was one of the most-requested features of all times. We listened to your feedback and in the past couple of releases, OCI was integrated more deeply into Flux. Here is a brief summary of what landed when: v0.31 (Jun 2022): Support for Helm repositories of type OCI v0.32 (Aug 2022): Kubernetes manifests, Kustomize overlays and Terraform code as OCI artifacts v0.33 (Aug …

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  • Flux proudly representing at KubeCon 2022 NA

    2022-10-19 in Blog

    Featured Image for Flux proudly representing at KubeCon 2022 NA

    tl;dr: We are going to be present at KubeCon 2022 North America! Find out in this post what's happening and how best to stay up to date on all things Flux!

    Everybody in Team Flux is busy with the run-up to Flux GA, but – with the help of the great folks in our Community and Ecosystem – we also managed to put together quite a number of talks, tutorials and sessions for you at KubeCon / CloudNativeCon! We are happy to announce that we will be at GitOpsCon and KubeCon. We are only a few days away from the event and we look forward to …

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  • Prove the Authenticity of OCI Artifacts

    2022-10-17 in Blog

    Featured Image for Prove the Authenticity of OCI Artifacts

    tl;dr: We'll talk about integration of the cosign tool, which is a tool for signing and verifying the given container images, blobs, etc, that we used to prove the authenticity of the OCI Artifacts we manage through the OCIRepository resources.

    Software supply chain attacks are one of the most critical risks threatening today’s software and have begun to collapse like a dark cloud over the software industry. For the Flux family of projects we are taking precautions against these threats. Apart from implementing security features and best practices, it is important to us to educate our users. You can find all Flux’s security …

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  • September 2022 Update

    2022-10-04 in Blog

    Featured Image for September 2022 Update

    tl;dr: Flux is moving closer to GA, adds tons of new improvements, most notably in the area of OCI. Flux Legacy Retirement plans. Flux at KubeCon and lots of Ecosystem updates!

    As the Flux family of projects and its communities are growing, we strive to inform you each month about what has already landed, new possibilities which are available for integration, and where you can get involved. Read our last update here. It’s the beginning of October 2022 - let’s recap together what happened in September - it has been a lot! News in the Flux family Flux v0.34.0 …

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  • GitOps Without Leaving your IDE

    2022-09-28 in Blog

    Featured Image for GitOps Without Leaving your IDE

    tl;dr: Are you a fan of VS Code and would love to use all standard GitOps feature without ever changing windows. This one is for you. Access all Flux's goodness through the UI of your IDE!

    Welcome to the second blog post in our Flux Ecosystem category! This time we are talking about one of the Flux UIs: it’s the VS Code GitOps Extension. If you already use VS Code, this extension will be straight up your alley: it provides an intuitive way to manage, troubleshoot and operate your Kubernetes environment following the GitOps operating model, accelerating your development …

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  • How to GitOps Your Terraform

    2022-09-14 in Blog

    Featured Image for How to GitOps Your Terraform

    tl;dr: Thinking of 'Infrastructure as Code' and GitOps as two separate worlds that can't be reconciled? Check out this blog post, especially if you are a Terraform user. Move it to GitOps without changing any of your code!

    This is the first blog post in a series where we want to shine a light on projects in the Flux Ecosystem. This time it’s going to be the Terraform Controller. If you use Terraform, you might think of it as “Infrastructure as Code” and to be separate from the concept of GitOps. Quite often we have seen debates about “Infrastructure as Code vs. GitOps”. The Terraform …

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  • August 2022 Update

    2022-09-05 in Blog

    Featured Image for August 2022 Update

    tl;dr: Flux added OCI support and better integration with cloud services. Lots of updates from our ecosystem. Resources and upcoming events on how to benefit from OCI support. We welcome Leigh Capili as Flux Project member and lots more news from our community!

    As the Flux family of projects and its communities are growing, we strive to inform you each month about what has already landed, new possibilities which are available for integration, and where you can get involved. Read our last update here. It’s the beginning of September 2022 - let’s recap together what happened in August - it has been a lot! News in the Flux family New Flux …

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  • Managing Kyverno Policies as OCI Artifacts with OCIRepository Sources

    2022-09-01 in Blog

    Featured Image for Managing Kyverno Policies as OCI Artifacts with OCIRepository Sources

    tl;dr: We will give you a real-world example of the newest feature in Flux v0.32 called OCIRepository sources to show you how you can leverage this feature to manage Kyverno policies as OCI Artifacts.

    The Flux team has released a new version of Flux v0.32 that includes fantastic features. One of them is OCI Repositories feature that allows us to store and distribute a wide variety of sources such as Kubernetes manifests, Kustomize overlays, and Terraform modules as OCI (Open Container Initiative) artifacts. Furthermore, the Flux team got us even more excited because they are planning to verify …

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